Etiquette Lessons Now in e-book form

When Dallas Teague-Snider spoke to the UAB chapter of the UAB PRSSA, it was a refreshing experience (read about it here).  It reminded me of all the etiquette things I SHOULD be doing, but I’m not always conscience of them.  Well here’s your chance to polish up for your next meeting, dinner or networking party. 

Dallas will be releasing an e-book full of helpful etiquette lessons for all kinds of business situations.  It should be finished by the end of November and you can place pre-orders now.

If reading isn’t your thing (what are you doing here?), then you can participate in a free webinar on November 5th or you can see Dallas LIVE at one of her workshops.  Register for the webinar here and you can check out her workshop dates here.  As I’m writing this post, her next workshop is scheduled for Friday, November 21st at 8:30 am until noon.  The location is in Birmingham.


Peace to your Mother.



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